There are no emergencies in education. I loved when I first heard something similar to that. We are programmed to try to follow a schedule and have milestone markers for our kids from birth till forever. But, everyone develops and grows at their own pace. Some skills are a fast click and locked in for life. Others take so much repetition you might wonder if it will ever be locked in. Some just need a different approach to the struggling skill or subject. Some are more hands on. Some are visual learners. Sometimes it’s a motivation issue. Sometimes it’s a confidence issue. There are so many variables with how and when and how easy a lesson or skill will be learned by each student. It’s never a true emergency. Sometimes it will just be a challenge. Sometimes it’s just a temporary setback. Sometimes it just needs to be revisited at another time. Sometimes it’s the parent who needs to take a step back and remember that t
here are no emergencies in education.